Happy New Year; Happy New Stuff!

Happy New Year; Happy New Stuff!
Happy New Year Everyone!
I'm really excited to share that there will be a number of different offerings and new ways to work with me, from wherever you are in the world, in 2025.
I've been incubating new ideas and new ways of helping people wake up to the amazing true essence that they are, effortlessly.
Whether this shows up for you as greater vitality in your body, increased performance in sports or unleashing creativity at work, it's all about greater energy and aliveness being easily available to you.
Nothing existing will change or how you access chiropractic services won't change, so don't worry.
There will be a launch of a new business in the next few months around helping people who want to live with more aliveness, ease, and vitality without stress, burnout, or pressure.
This is for anyone who would like a nicer experience of life no matter current circumstances or past harms.
We are designed to live our "perfect for us" life easily and without what we call stress. This new business (starting with a website and online courses) is designed for just that.
The most powerful thing I've seen in the last 2 years is when people understand and start to live from what I call an inside-out understanding of life. They literally come alive. The body heals in ways I didn't think was previously possible. Opportunities line up for them. Miracles become commonplace. Life just becomes nicer.
It's really easy then for people to make the life changes they've been wanting to make but didn't think were possible.
Many of my transformative conversation clients express it as getting the life they've always wanted or realizing that stress doesn't actually exist in a real and felt way. It's ultimate freedom.
Some people might be in pain or suffering and want to be able to do more in life. Others may be at the other end of the spectrum and are looking at how to increase already high performance in certain life areas. If you want more out of life in any way, this is for you. And it's easy and simple.
Most life improvement approaches look at different specific life areas and create strategies in each one. This is hard work! And usually have a lot of new behaviours to learn. This is time-consuming.
My approach is to look at all these areas as if they are boats in a harbour. By focusing on the water (not the boats) and what is often invisible to people but is actually the principles behind our experience of life, the tide rises. All by itself. The tide of your life rises! The effect of this on your life is actually miraculous.
All boats rise with the tide.
It's truly transformative because someone's whole life gets easier, deeper, nicer. Not just one area by using a lot of work and focus.
There will also be a new podcast in the works! Short inspirational 5-7 min episodes and then I'm hoping to have some longer interviews with people who are exemplifying "living alive" in their lives and work.
There will be a number of other online and in-person formats for creating more aliveness in your life. No matter where one lives in the world.
I'll still be doing my bodywork/entrainments and the immensely life-changing two-and-a-half day Personal Intensives using the hyper-oxygenated environment of the transformative conversation.
I'll be looking at how, for myself and others, to wake up to life as we are meant to live it. No stress, no worry - only joy - regardless of what happens and what other people might be doing in the world. If you'd like to join me on this exploration, I'll be announcing in early January a yearlong mastermind program that is just that. An exploration of what it is to be fully alive and to live our "perfect for you" life. Effortlessly. It will likely be a monthly online class with breakout sessions and exercises with others who are interested in the same thing. This creates a nutrient-rich environment for insights and creativity for your life. Applications will open in January.
For those who enjoyed the online Listening World Summit Conference last spring, we are at it again! This was a majorly successful event with 3500 people worldwide experiencing how to deeply listen to themselves and others to create a better life and a better world.
In 2025, March 1-8 will be an online Listening Summit at no cost to people. Then May 1-3 is the Conference in Prague followed by a second Conference in Denver August 1-3. Each event has many high-level speakers from around the world presenting in TED Talk style how to listen and what it means to listen deeply to others and your own soul wisdom.
We are also doing our in-person retreat again outside of Guelph, in September, at the beautiful St. Brigid's Villa. This was a wonderful day to rest in all the beautiful feelings and create lasting change.
Stay tuned for lots of new and energizing ways to bring the feeling of being fully alive peacefully into your life.

With Love, 

Sara Joy