New Possibilities — Dr. Sara O'Neill

New Possibilities

Our physical bodies are affected negatively by three things. These are called the three T's by the originator of chiropractic, D.D. Palmer.

 Trauma, Toxins and Thoughts.

 Trauma is anything physical from a car accident to working out at the gym. We generally heal from physical traumas quickly in a bell curve type pattern when the physical event is over. Initially, we are sore and then that tops out and we return down to feeling good.

 Toxins are anything chemical that comes into our bodies that takes extra effort by the body to process through. This can be medications, pesticides, cigarette smoke, alcohol. You get the picture. When we stop inputting the toxin and it clears from our system any negative effects also leave.

 Thoughts are similar yet an often overlooked category. We feel feelings in direct relation to the types or quality of our thoughts. Happy thoughts create happy feelings and sad thoughts create sad feelings. Both these categories of thought/feelings have an impact on the spine and the body via creating a posture and physiology to match.

 In the same way as the physical and chemical categories, when we stop inputting Thought we return to our factory default settings. This is a space within all of us deeper than either the feeling of happy or sad.

 Our innate peace and wellbeing that is at the core of who we all are.

  Transformative Coaching Announcement

In the last few years, I have really seen a need for people to experience and live from their deeper, natural state of wellbeing and peace. It just happens to be our default nature.

 I am pleased to announce that we are adding a new service to the office to meet this opportunity.

 Dr. Sara O'Neill is now offering Transformative Coaching. Transformative Coaching looks to transform a person's default understanding of how life works. This allows for one's innate wisdom and wellbeing to express fully and easily. By extension, your life transforms effortlessly.

 Some people work with a Transformative Coach to have a nicer experience of life or to improve a certain area of life such as relationships, money, anxiety, or sports performance. A transformative coaching session is very different from other forms of coaching or counselling. We generally don't go into painful past events or relive traumas.

 If you would like to explore with Dr. Sara how you could work with her in this capacity, use this link to book a 30 minute exploratory session with her over Zoom:  Book 30 minutes with Dr. Sara


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