The Sun And The Clouds — Dr. Sara O'Neill

The Sun And The Clouds

I recently came across a metaphor that points to who we are as humans or the truth of our core nature by Dr. George Pransky.

"At our core, the very essence of human beings is goodness, love, and joy. That core is ever-present, like the sun. But, also like the sun, our core can be obscured temporarily or even eclipsed.

 As the sun is eclipsed by clouds, our goodness can be eclipsed by our thinking. Goodness, wellbeing, and love are always there even when we can't experience it or see it."

I love this metaphor because it points to the truth that our default is always love and understanding. We always beam out the warmth of the sun and can bask in that warmth ourselves. We shine for ourselves first.  Nourishing our being, renewing, and replenishing without having to do anything or remember to do anything special - just notice.

And yes, like a sunny day outside, the clouds of our thinking obscure that warmth and nourishment temporarily from time to time.

The sun of you always shines even in the night.

I hope everyone has a Happy Holiday full of joy, resting, and shining.


Sara Joy


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