We Go Deep

We Go Deep
I am excited to announce that my friend and colleague, Dr. Kathleen Perry and I, have been producing a podcast!

You can listen to it on Apple, Google, Spotify, and a couple of other podcast places.
This project started because both Kathleen and myself wanted to "do a podcast" and weren't sure how. We decided to do a "practice podcast" and see how it goes. I'm pleased and delighted to let you know that it's going very well.

The first couple of (especially the first) episodes are rougher with long pauses. It's all unedited so you get us as authentic as we know how to be.  We've learned as we went along.

 We deliberately didn't plan or figure the whole thing out in advance. We decided to let our innate creative genius show up and see what happens. Well, what happened is a podcast!
Give it a listen and let us know what you think.
Nancy is also the tech genius behind getting the audio into an actual podcast. It's a team effort.
We called it We Go Deep with Kat and Sara. We have conversations once a week (or so) on life topics from a perspective of 'what is just true for all human beings' on a day-to-day level and a wider spiritual level. There is a range of topics that have occurred to us to talk about. If you have ideas for topics for us to go deep with, let us know.
Sara and Nancy