The Self-Cleaning Blender of Deeper Feelings

The Self-Cleaning Blender of Deeper Feelings

In my work with people, I talk a lot about how we are designed and how effortless change happens. Humans are fascinating. I realized that I now have 4 separate certifications in the field of human transformation spanning 26 years. That's just how fascinating I find people.  

Recently in our podcast, We Go Deep with Kat and Sara, I had a conversation with Dr. Kathleen Perry about how our default design is to create thinking in the moment and then clear it out automatically when no longer needed. The more we are aware of how we function naturally, the easier life gets. We can move with our natural abilities and rhythms rather than unknowingly fighting against them. 

Humans are magnificently designed. Our system tells us when to eat, when to drink water, and when to sleep. Many other functions are just taken care of. Our hearts beat faithfully twenty-four-seven for our whole lives. That's a lot of muscle contractions and muscle relaxations. It's a lot of calcium binding and unbinding on a cellular level. Our eyes automatically dilate and contract our pupils to bring in the optimal amount of light and they quickly (almost instantly) refocus the lens at a variety of distances depending on what we glance at. Different genes turn on and others turn off to start or stop making various proteins depending on our environment, our thoughts, and our chemistry. We are marvelously designed.  

Our thought system is also designed elegantly. It's no different than the rest of our body. It's like a blender and we get to blend up anything we like. However, we generally think that we are stuck with our usual tried and true recipes. We also think that we have to clean out the blender if we want something new. Many people think that it might be hard to clean out the blender. That it takes a long time or that it's a complicated process to clean out the blender of our thought system. The opposite is actually true. Turns out, when we see that we are actually the ones operating the blender, it's immensely transformative. Equally transformational is the realization that the blender is self-cleaning. 

Wait! What?!? Self? Cleaning?! 

All my life I thought I had to work to clear my mind. To relax. To be at peace. Not to mention all the hundreds of processes, practices, and tricks to defeat habits of thought. These are just more variations of blending up new concoctions in the blender. 


I wish my kitchen was self-cleaning. I did notice though that my cat is self-cleaning. Leave him alone for long enough and he magically becomes soft, shiny, and clean without me having to do anything at all.  The same is true of the blender of our thought systems.

We monitor our thought systems and pounce on them the moment they come out of the cat box with a bit of dirt on them. Like a cat, all that's needed is to leave them alone and not keep putting more dirt on top. Or stop blending.

By nature, our default base state is peace. It can feel like contentment, peace of mind, relief, joy, love. These are all what I call "deeper feelings". They are the feeling of being at rest. The feeling of not actively blending up a thought mixture. The feeling of you.

We, as humans, are self-cleaning blenders of deeper feelings. We are designed to blend up cool smoothies as needed and then leave it alone.  A whole brand spanking new, sparkling clean, shiny blender is ready to go for the next adventure. We return to our natural state of deeper feelings if we leave ourselves alone. All we need to do is notice so we can stop blending when we are done with the smoothie.  

With love,
Sara Joy