Who Am I?

Who Am I?

This is possibly the most powerful question a human being can ask themselves. In doing so lightly and with curiosity, the deepest part of ourselves can begin to wake up. 

I've noticed that the more deeply any human being looks at this question of who they are, the more present they are to themselves. In doing so, our bodies do really well. When we are absent in our lives, our bodies hold tension or seem to just hold on for dear life. As soon as we inhabit ourselves more fully, our bodies relax more and begin to work better. 

People need less to maintain a healthy state. People need less to be happy for no reason. People just begin to heal. 

We are the energy of life. So are all things in form so it's no big deal. Except, it’s kind of a big deal.  We seem to have forgotten.

This may seem like a small funny example but here goes. Recently, I saw deeper into the depth of the human experience and that in any moment I can put my attention on my own energy of aliveness. It felt all of a sudden like the energy of life was shining out through my eyes. Everything around me was different, and yet the same. Everything was beautiful. It's a wonderful experience and continues as the base of my experience. 

I then noticed small aches and pains in my body were completely gone. I had a large wart on my left knee that had sat there like an eraser on the end of a pencil unchanging for twenty-five years that was suddenly ninety percent gone. It was a little disconcerting. Where did my wart friend go? lol. My body suddenly had the energy to clear some things up. 

We had a quote up on our quote board last week that I love from Dr. Robert Holden. "If you think something is missing in your life, it's probably you". 

Said another way:

"We are pure intelligent energy in human form. We create our own experience of life and can realize we are doing it." (From "A User's Guide to Being Yourself: Chapter Nine –Who Are You, Really?" with Mavis Karn & Michael Neill.)

There is a space inside everyone. A space before thought and thinking, before creation, before mindset. This space is filled with energy. It's filled with love. It's filled with peace. From this space one's life is completely different. The world is different. You are different. People are different. It's like walking in a different world. Walking in giftedness as a wise lady from South Africa once said. For some, all it takes is the awareness of possibility to wake ourselves up. For others, some guidance or repetition seems required. 

Part of why I love transformative coaching is that it feels like walking a friend home to the best part of themselves. That pure intelligent energy in human form. It's amazing to watch people's lives transform. Relationships heal and deepen, performance at work and in sports takes off, life becomes really easy. 

The basis of my transformative coaching work is helping people realize, to make real, in their lives the fullness of who they are. It's who we all are. We are absolutely gorgeously amazing. It's time we begin to live this way.
I have a few spots opening up for new coaching clients, if you are interested in having more of You in your life and living from a base of joy and peace. We begin with booking a complementary conversation about what you are looking for and how I can help. Contact Nancy for more details. 

With Love, 
Sara Joy