Oprah Said It — Dr. Sara O'Neill

Oprah Said It

Oprah Said It

The basis of the coaching and the chiropractic work that I do is that we are powerful creators in the world. If you want to know what you have been creating, look at your life, without judgement. The results of where you place your attention and what you are creating for yourself are in the life you are living. In this short video, Oprah hits the nail on the head about creating. Getting clear on what you want, moving in that direction, and then the forces of life rise up to meet you. The Universe conspires with you to create your vision in the world. Pretty cool, eh?

Watch Oprah tell it here:


The coaching work I do spends a lot of time looking at being clear about what is it that we actually want. People often have a lot of beliefs and thinking in the way of their clear wanting for themselves and their lives. We often think what we want isn't possible or only for other people. One of the most powerful things in the world is being absolutely clear about the direction you want to go in and starting that journey.

Once a person knows what they want, we look at the forces of life. There are really only 3 principles or forces of life that govern how things work. There's an energy at the heart of all life and we are made of it. As is everything else. We are aware of ourselves and this energy of life. We have the ability to use this energy as a creative force in the world. 

Knowing what you want comes first and is the most important aspect of any endeavour. With clarity, the forces of life will rise up to meet you. And not only because Oprah said so.

With love,
Sara Joy


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