Falling In Love with Life — Dr. Sara O'Neill

Falling In Love with Life

The first time I heard this phrase was from my mentor and teacher Michael Neill. He loves to love. Probably more than anyone else I've ever met. His family, his dogs, his cats (he's very allergic to), whatever comes his way in life.
It's a way of living in flow with life or in flow with nature.
At first glance, it seems like it would mean just putting up with all the crap that life brings or all the crap that other people dump. In reality, the opposite is true. When there is no resistance to life, a person could be described as "in the flow". More than no resistance would be being "in love".
So, what does it look like to live "In Love with Life"?
I began a joyful journey of asking myself "Could I love this?" "Could I love that?" Just as it is without any changing. "Could I love this person, just because they are alive and they are a person?" The answer wasn't always yes.
More and more often though it is a yes. You're not loving a bad action or behaviour. You’re not loving an abusive situation.
You're loving life. As it is. This led me to wonder "What is Life?" For me, it seems that Life is nature. Life is our felt sense of aliveness. Life is my beating heart and my breathing lungs. Life is perfection with all its imperfections. Life is slowing down to the speed of nature. Life is people and plants and animals and kids and things that happen.
Being in flow with life is slowing down to be with. Maybe stopping for a moment or two or three. And just breathe. Just listen to your heart. Live slow. Fall in love.
As you slow down and tune into the speed of nature, the speed of life, your thinking and thoughts naturally slow down.
And bit by bit I fell in love.
I fell in love with people. I fell in love with the trees and the sky and the grass. I fell in love with life itself.
Love is our natural state. When everything else is gone, love remains.
Slow down and you'll find love. It's from you, it is you. We can't help but feel it. Sometimes it's a gentle warmth or the joy of being alive. Sometimes it's an overflowing fountain.
Often the only thing keeping you from being in love with life is the idea that it should be different than it is.
“Bad times, hard times, this is what people keep saying; but let us live well, and times shall be good. We are the times: Such as we are, such are the times.”
                ― St. Augustine of Hippo

With love,
Sara Joy


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