At the Heart of Life is a Miracle

At the Heart of Life is a Miracle

We are miraculous. We are designed to be miraculous.
We've so lost touch with our natural way of being that when someone taps into what is inherent within each and every one of us, it's miraculous. We call it a miracle.
We can't explain it. We can't see the logic or the join. How did that happen?
Chiropractors see miracles every day in our offices. Things that aren't supposed to heal, just do. Things that aren't supposed to change, just do. I've often thought in more cynical moments that these aren't miracles, it's just society's lack of imagination or faith in possibility.
Magician and card trick inventor David Berglas said "The impossible I do immediately, miracles take a little longer."
I've started to see a new level of miracle show up in my work and in my own life. My understanding of what's possible or what's changeable in life and in the body expanded, recently. First in my learning transformative coaching, my definition of what transformation is widened vastly. I had no idea. The possibility of what's possible flew wide open.
Then miracles started happening to me, my family and my clients. I think of a miracle as something that comes from somewhere else, an experience of unearned grace, divine providence moved. We can't explain it. It doesn't fit the expected model. An outlier. It's not supposed to be possible. I'd become very comfortable with the "not supposed to be possible" or even the impossible. But the miraculous? Hmm... sounds grandiose. However, they just keep happening.
The nature of life is miraculous and when we learn to align ourselves with life, magic happens. It's unstoppable. It's also very simple. And once you get the hang of it, it's effortless. You can't quite believe you can actually live this way. I giggle every time I realize this truth afresh.

"If you want to see a miracle, be the miracle." Morgan Freeman

I've always been delighted with life and found joy in everyday things. This didn't keep me from feeling high levels of anxiety or fear for much of my life.
And then, I experienced a miracle. Maybe several. Here's where I talk about it in a recent testimonial I wrote for my mentor, Michael Neill:
In reflecting on the time I spent working with Michael, as an apprentice, what comes to me is profound gratitude and thankfulness.

Gratitude for Michael's unending knowing that all humans have unlimited potential and possibility available to them at all times. This includes me. Thankfulness that I listened to my own knowing that said "Do this, do it now."

I am so immensely glad I did.

I'd initially thought that I wanted to work with Michael to transform my two locations chiropractic wellness practice into a larger coaching and teaching business helping people across the globe to realize the depth of their astounding potential. I still do. And I am. My new coaching practice is thriving and clients are completely transforming their own lives. The depth of my impact with clients is what I'd dreamed of. And growing.

However, it was all the many unexpected amazing things that happened along the way that are why I am so grateful and thankful.
Turns out that when you really truly align yourself with life; magic happens.

My relationship with my kids and my husband went from good to stellar to beyond. Even my cat feels the love in the house and is changed by it.

I healed 7 years of "permanent brain injury" and constant weird neurological symptoms and daily almost constant "panic disorder". This was not supposed to be possible so I'd stopped talking about it. Or even hoping it could change. I was told it was as if I'd lost a leg. It would not regrow.

All my symptoms, diagnoses, and challenges vanished. As a result, I can do stuff again! I can watch movies again! So many to catch up on. I can listen to music and cook in my kitchen! At the same time! I can put the kids to bed. My vision improved. My hearing improved. I can eat any food I want. I'm much less sensitive to things like caffeine. Random body things have healed. I suspect that I haven't yet noticed all of the things that I can now do freely. I'm not scared anymore.

I feel younger than I have in a while. Lighter.

I fell in love with life all over again. And again.

I fell in love with people. With my business as it is and as I'm creating it to be. I fell in love with joy.

I discovered that I love Earl Grey tea. And that there's this flourless chocolate cake in London, England that I dream about. The pipe organ music at St. Paul's cathedral is exquisite and will transport you, if you let it.

I discovered that I am extremely well equipped for anything in life. I can create anything I can dream up. And what comes to me to dream up is more wonderful and more fantastic than I knew.

When I looked at the heart of life, I found a deep, never ending well of love. I fell into it and drowned.

You can too.
Michael Neill explains in his latest newsletter how he sees miracles happening when working with people:
“Someone fills back up with love and the overflow causes their relationships to bloom and grow. Someone reconnects with the energy of hope and leaves behind a world of thought where suicide seemed more like a sensible way out than an unnecessarily permanent solution to a surprisingly temporary problem. Someone realizes fear is just a cue to settle down and get present, and then gets inspired to launch a new business or reconnect with or revitalize the one they already have."
What’s required to create a miracle?
Knowing yourself as love, immersing yourself in the feeling of bliss that is the ocean of being, let yourself be filled with love until it spills over onto everyone around you, until it heals all your issues, complaints, aches and pains and niggling doubts. Until you can hardly stand it at all because it's so strong and lovely and vibrant and alive. Until it shines out your eyes and threatens to stop your heart with longing for release. Until it swallows you up whole, spits you out and loves you up even more. Until a miracle occurs.
We are designed to fill up with love, listen to what comes, and follow our knowing until a miracle occurs. We are powerfully amazing. Humans are not the problem; we are the solution and a gift.

"Listening is at the heart of every miracle” - Dr. Sara Joy O'Neill

We are the creators of miracles. The conduits of love made manifest in the world. You need only look within.
My work contains miracles too. Are you ready?
If so, here are some new and upcoming ways to work with me over the next few months:
1) Spinal Entrainments: This gentle and energetic chiropractic work brings vitality and fluidity to the body. For people interested in bodywork to improve their physical condition, the first step is a complementary consultation with me to look at where you are now and where you would like to be.
2) Transformative Coaching: Transformational conversation about the nature of how all humans work and exploration into living a life you love. I act as a guide along the way to creating and living your perfect life you are excited to live. This starts with a no charge conversation about what you would like and how I can help.
3) Save the date: Sept 14, 2024 at St. Brigid’s Villa at Ignatius Jesuit Centre in Guelph. We are holding our annual Immersion Day at the beautiful Ignatius Jesuit Centre. Immerse yourself in what's possible for you mentally, physically, and spiritually. Includes transformative group sessions, break-out games and exercises, entrainment sessions, and delicious lunch/snacks. Registration coming soon. Contact Nancy for more details or to reserve your spot ahead of time.
4) The Listening World Summit in Prague is a global conference that I am helping to organize with a group of international coaches to foster the art of deep listening to oneself and others to create a more peaceful world. Join us online for FREE or in Prague for the live event May 24-26, 2024. The goal is to have a million people listening from the heart.

With Love, 

Sara Joy